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image:Hadas Tapouchi

Missspelled is the first part of a trilogy dealing with the topic of Spells and Spelling.

This work based on my collaboration with the Visual and Performance Artist, Moran Sanderovich (Berlin), the musician and poet Hila Lahav (Berlin) and the Dramaturg, Nattan Dobkin (Tel Aviv-Berlin)

Production: HAZIRA — Performance Art Arena – an alternative platform for innovative creation in Jerusalem. With the support of The Israeli Lottery Foundation

The work has premiered on December 2018 at Leo Model Hall, Jerusalem and at Kelim Choreography Center,  Bat Yam.


27-28.5.19  at  ausland, Berlin

17, 18, 20.7.19  at  Kelim Choreography Center, Bat Yam

27,28.2.20  at  Dock 11, Berlin

Missspelled is a performative space of untamed actions, aiming to become a bewitched, transformative arena.

This material-spirit-world is a dynamic and intuitive field, in which hybrid, fantastic images, constructed of materials, plastic objects and sound are formed and altered by the human body, acting within and between them.

Objects, body-extensions, raw materials both organic and non-organic,and the human body of the performers create the visual world of the piece. Voice, sound and music merge and intervene in the making of fantastic, mythological images – constructing and deconstructing their narratives and forming.


The conceptual scope of the project rests on the parallel I see between the roles of witches and the roles of artists in society, particularly stage artists, dancers and performance artists. This analogy highlights anew the work of performance as a 'casting of spell' and as a field of agency with magical and transformative power, capable of altering consciousness.


image:Hadas Tapouchi


all rights reserved.maya weinberg 2024

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